8 years ago
mike ·
Comments Off on Losing Compliant Coverage when Back in the USA
Concerned about losing compliant coverage when back in the USA? This is a complex issue and is not fully addressed by the current “temporary” rules. We expect HHS to come down with final rules sometime around July of 2016, so this answer might change. The “safe harbor” put in place by the initial rules is the 6 month rule, meaning if you are in the U.S. more than 6 months of the year, you
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8 years ago
mike ·
Comments Off on Medical Share Plans and Compliant Coverage
Have a question about medical share plans and compliant coverage? If you are covered by Samaritan Ministries, Christian Healthcare Ministries or Medi-Share, the three share plans that are ACA compliant by law itself, you answer the coverage question on your 1040 with “no”, then obtain and fill out form 8965, where it states that you are exempt because…and one of the options is “covered by an eligible compliant share plan”. You then have to file that 8965 with your taxes for that year.
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9 years ago
mike ·
Comments Off on Expat Taxes and ACA
How is an employee to handle expat taxes and ACA? By law (The Expatriate Health Coverage Clarification Act or EHCCA) states that an expat is defined as an employee who is out of the U.S. for more than six months and if that person is covered by a group health policy, it is considered Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) and therefore that coverage is deemed ACA (Affordable Care Act or
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