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8 years ago · by · Comments Off on Expats Signing up for Medicare

Expats Signing up for Medicare

We realize that being an Expat can be challenging for any number of reasons.  One such challenge is getting questions answered when it comes to expats signing up for medicare.  In this article we hope to provide you with some insightful answers that will make the move to Medicare easier for you.

QUESTIONS: I am about to turn 65. As an Expat, am I required to sign up for Medicare? If so, what parts are required? If I do sign up, will I have to pay even though I am out of the USA and can’t use my benefits? If I don’t, will I have to pay a penalty? Can I wait until open enrollment?

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8 years ago · by · Comments Off on What Are the Benefits of Global Health Insurance

What Are the Benefits of Global Health Insurance

Often in the bustle and excitement of moving to a new country, the possibility of a medical emergency is the last thing on anyone’s mind. You’ve just finished the long, grueling haul of deputation and you’re absolutely thrilled to move to the new place God has called you and your family to.

So you pack up your life, put the kids in the car, and say goodbye to loved ones at the airport. A whirlwind of emotions fills your heart as you sit back on the plane and turn your thoughts to the new country…

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8 years ago · by · Comments Off on 100 Expats and 25 U.S. Based Employees -1095 Report or Not?

100 Expats and 25 U.S. Based Employees -1095 Report or Not?

If an employer has 100 expat employees and 25 U.S. based employees, do they have to do the 1095 reporting required of Applicable Large Employers (ALE)?   The answer is “no”.  According to the IRS at; is Required to Report ; in the “Basics of Employer Reporting” section, and number “9.”, if an employer is not subject to the 

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8 years ago · by · Comments Off on Losing Compliant Coverage when Back in the USA

Losing Compliant Coverage when Back in the USA

Concerned about losing compliant coverage when back in the USA?  This is a complex issue and is not fully addressed by the current “temporary” rules.  We expect HHS to come down with final rules sometime around July of 2016, so this answer might change.  The “safe harbor” put in place by the initial rules is the 6 month rule, meaning if you are in the U.S. more than 6 months of the year, you

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9 years ago · by · Comments Off on Expat Taxes and ACA

Expat Taxes and ACA

How is an employee to handle expat taxes and ACA?  By law (The Expatriate Health Coverage Clarification Act or EHCCA)  states that an expat is defined as an employee who is out of the U.S. for more than six months and if that person is covered by a group health policy, it is considered Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) and therefore that coverage is deemed ACA (Affordable Care Act or

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9 years ago · by · Comments Off on Expat Employee Count and Employer Sizing Rules

Expat Employee Count and Employer Sizing Rules

Wondering about expat employee count and employer sizing rules?  According to final regulations released in 2013, employees whose “work” is outside of the U.S., do not count toward your 50 employees in the U.S.  You must be careful if your U.S. based employee group is close to 50, as an expat could come to the U.S. for more than 6 months in a given year and possibly count toward that 50. 

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Expat Solutions International
2550 NE Douglas St.
Lee's Summit, MO 64064

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8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. EST